Wednesday, February 28, 2007

To Everything There is a Season

The website committee has commented that the councillor's blogs are not up-to-date. I plead guilty.

The past months have been a slow time, but spring is coming with all its new energy. This is best seen by the wonderful work being done to lobby for the AU expansion. HAVE YOU SENT YOUR LETTER TO PREMIER STELMACH YET? I've been hatching some plots of my own to help with this initiative. I'm really curious to see if grass-roots democracy will work with this provinical government.

Other good things:
1. First reading of the water-saving appliances by-law for new construction has passed.
2. I'm working as a volunteer with the Athabasca Fringe and many enthusiastic members working hard to continue producing this great event.
3. The sewer break is fixed, snow is removed, our facilities are cared for, and town employees continue to see that the whole operation runs smoothly. I have to remember that the basics are important, and not to be taken for granted. Thank you to the staff.

Some frustrations:
Our enthusiasm for a Community Development Officer has been dampened by a decision to work jointly with the County and Boyle. It is not that there is much inherently wrong with a regional approach, but the 6 reps have not met yet, so the whole process will proceed with molasses speed. Some progress has been made on multiplex governance, in that research will be done to see if we really choose to govern it as a society. It is important to have a facilities operator in place to market the building well before it is open. The campground location open house is still awaiting information which for unavoidable reasons has taken about 6 months.

Many of the requests that we have received lately have been tabled to budget. That is necessary, because we don't want to make choices unless they are based on final financial figures. However, it removes the immediacy of the issues, and some debate will not be public.

I am concerned about social deficit. Our daycare lost the after-school program, and is still under capacity for this community. Also, no progress has been made on affordable housing. I'm hoping that the province's affordable housing study will produce some initiatives that will move this issue forward.

Please feel free to contact me at